Dark and Tragic Backstories of 3 Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Jujutsu Kaisen is a popular anime series that follows the adventures of Yuji Itadori, a high school student who becomes the host of a powerful cursed spirit named Sukuna. Along with his friends and mentors at Tokyo Jujutsu High School, he battles against various curses and curse users that threaten the world.

The second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, which aired in 2023, introduced many new characters and revealed more about their pasts. Some of these characters have dark and tragic backstories that explain their motivations, personalities, and actions. In this blog post, we will explore some of these characters and their histories.

Geto Suguru Backstory

Geto Suguru is one of the main antagonists of Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a former jujutsu sorcerer who turned against his own kind and became the leader of a group of curse users. He believes that humans are the source of all curses and that they should be exterminated.

Geto’s backstory was revealed in the prequel manga Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High. He was once a student at Kyoto Jujutsu High School and a close friend of Gojo Satoru, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in history. He had the ability to manipulate curses and use them as his allies.

However, Geto’s worldview changed after he witnessed the death of his childhood friend Riko Amanai, who was killed by a curse user during a school exchange event. Riko was a non-sorcerer who had inherited the power of Tengen, a mysterious being who protects the Jujutsu world. She was targeted by those who wanted to use her power for their own purposes.

Geto blamed himself for not being able to save Riko and became disillusioned with the Jujutsu society. He realized that non-sorcerers were unaware of the dangers of curses and that they were living in ignorance and fear. He decided that the only way to end the cycle of curses was to eliminate all humans.

Geto then joined forces with Kenjaku, a mysterious curse user who claimed to be Sukuna’s original host. Together, they planned to create a new world where only curses would exist. Geto also recruited other curse users who shared his vision, such as Mahito, Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon.

Geto’s actions put him at odds with his former friend Gojo and the rest of the jujutsu sorcerers. He became one of the most wanted criminals in the jujutsu world and was involved in many conflicts and incidents. He was eventually killed by Gojo in a fierce battle in Shibuya.

However, Geto’s body was later taken over by Kenjaku, who used it as his vessel to continue his schemes. Kenjaku pretended to be Geto and manipulated his followers and enemies alike. He also revealed his true identity to Yuji Itadori, who had inherited Sukuna’s soul.

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Choso Backstory

Choso is one of the Death Paintings, a group of cursed spirits that were born from human wombs. He is the eldest brother of Eso and Kechizu, who were also Death Paintings. He has the ability to manipulate blood and use it as a weapon.

Choso’s backstory was revealed in the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. He was created by Noritoshi Kamo, a powerful jujutsu sorcerer who experimented on human women with cursed wombs. Choso was one of nine death paintings that survived the process and escaped from Kamo’s laboratory.

Choso spent most of his life hiding from jujutsu sorcerers who hunted him down. He only had his brothers Eso and Kechizu as family and companions. He also developed a hatred for humans who treated him as a monster.

Choso joined Geto’s group of curse users after he offered him protection and a place to belong. He participated in several attacks on jujutsu sorcerers and institutions, such as the Goodwill Event and the Shibuya Incident.

Choso encountered Yuji Itadori during the Shibuya Incident and fought him alongside his brothers. However, Eso and Kechizu were killed by Sukuna, who took over Yuji’s body for a brief moment. Choso was enraged by their deaths and swore revenge on Yuji.

However, Choso’s feelings changed after he learned that Yuji had inherited some memories from Noritoshi Kamo through Sukuna’s soul. Choso began to see Yuji as his younger brother, and he developed an emotional bond with him. He even helped Yuji escape from the jujutsu sorcerers who wanted to execute him.

Choso’s current whereabouts and status are unknown. He is still considered a threat by the Jujutsu society and a traitor by the curse users. He also has to deal with the conflict between his loyalty to Geto and his affection for Yuji.

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Dagon Backstory

Dagon is another member of Geto’s group of curse users. He is a special-grade cursed spirit who resembles a giant fish with tentacles. He has the ability to create a domain that transforms the environment into an ocean and controls the water and marine life within it.

Dagon’s backstory was revealed in the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. He was originally a human who lived in a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean. He was part of a cult that worshipped an ancient god named Dagon, who was said to reside in the depths of the sea.

The cult performed rituals and sacrifices to appease Dagon and gain his favor. They also believed that Dagon would grant them eternal life and happiness in his underwater kingdom. However, their faith was tested when a tsunami hit their island and destroyed their homes and lives.

Dagon was one of the few survivors of the disaster. He was desperate to find his family and friends who were swept away by the waves. He prayed to Dagon for help, but he received no answer. He then realized that Dagon was not a benevolent god but a cruel and indifferent one.

Dagon’s despair and anger turned into a curse that consumed his body and soul. He became a cursed spirit that inherited the name and power of Dagon. He also gained a twisted sense of justice and revenge. He decided to punish humanity for their sins and ignorance.

Dagon joined Geto’s group of curse users after he sensed his presence and agreed with his ideology. He participated in the Shibuya Incident and created his domain in the center of the city. He trapped many civilians and jujutsu sorcerers inside his domain and drowned them with his water manipulation.

Dagon met his end at the hands of Yuji Itadori and Maki Zenin, two jujutsu sorcerers who infiltrated his domain to rescue the survivors. Yuji used Sukuna’s finger as bait to lure Dagon out of his domain, while Maki used her cursed tools to inflict damage on Dagon’s body. Maki delivered the final blow to Dagon’s head, killing him for good.

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